Education Series - Summer Hair and Undone Waves with Eric

Edited by Admin
Education Series - Summer Hair and Undone Waves with Eric
Moroccan Oil's Eric 
and "Undone Waves"

As most of our clients and colleagues know, here at Tappa Hair Salon & Beauty Bar, we are always taking advanced courses.  For those of you new to us, first and foremost a gracious “Welcome” to you and please rest assured our team prides itself on continual education to keep current with trends, techniques and products that are always blasting their way into the hair world!!


With prom season behind us and wedding season upon us, we have been participating in many advanced long hair dressing classes.  We were all totally excited to have Moroccan Oil send one of their elite trainers, Eric hailing from Atlanta, to do a class for us. Eric travels the world doing education on behalf of Moroccan Oil.


Whenever we get the opportunity to be trained by such talented stylists, we embrace the chance and seize the moment to “pick their brains”. So we “interrogated”…..umm…..we mean interviewed ;) Eric to get his take on what’s happening with hair, what products are must haves and his personal favourite products.


We started by asking Eric, "What is hot for Spring/ Summer long hair".  Eric said it’s all about “Undone Waves”, as in lots of texture and a “Creamy Balayage”



Then as we mentioned earlier that we are exiting prom season and entering wedding season that we wanted his take on what is on trend for these types of events.  Again Eric said braids, and keep it undone, not too finished looking, almost like they did it themselves.  Here are some examples of “undone looking up-styles”.



This product is especially hot as Eric says the main looks for guys these seasons is tight on the sides, with definite disconnection on top while maintaining movement and texture.


All of the products Eric has suggested we have in salon, so make sure to stop by and get these must haves to care for your long hair this season!. To see more pictures from our advanced long hair styling class with Eric, make sure to go to our Facebook page and check out the album or simply click here: