More Women Should Call Themselves Beautiful

More Women Should Call Themselves Beautiful

More Women Should Call Themselves Beautiful


by Beverley Golden


One of the biggest conversations and maybe one of the most important conversations we continue to have, is the conversation about women and beauty. What makes a woman beautiful? Is beauty in the eye of the beholder…or maybe beauty is in the eye of the beheld?


What a woman thinks of herself, how she ‘sees’ herself, is constantly being impacted by the images and messages she is bombarded with by the media today. Who defines what is beautiful, anyway? Does it come from men who have largely been the leaders in the advertising world, or is there a new definition of beauty emerging that comes from women themselves.


It is fascinating to discover that so often, women do not see their own beauty, finding it easier to find fault with how they look, than to praise it. The fact is women see themselves very differently than the world around them sees them. You can read more about perceptions of beauty and how men and women see beauty differently in More Women Should Call Themselves Beautiful