13th EditionWelcome to Tappa’s regular blog. This is our platform to chat with our guests, family, friends and colleagues.
We have so many great things to share that we have been very busy with.
In Edition #12 we mentioned participating in the Beauty Envision Awards (BEA). Dan from our “sister salon” at Billings was one of the competitors in Hollywood.
Two of our deserving Tappa team members, one our Artistic Director, Amy, and the other, our colour concierge/Tappa stylist, Kyla, had the privilege of attending these prestigious awards in Hollywood!! They loved it!!! Obviously they were blown away by the show and competition but they also made use of their limited free time to enjoy some of the finest landmarks Hollywood has to offer.
To learn more about Amy and Kyla’s education excursion
click here to read our complete article
With Fall, yes, I said it, Fall, around the corner, our education is ramping up. We will be holding our bi-annual Fall Nioxin event in October and simultaneously raising money for Children at Risk-Autism. In preparation we held an advanced Nioxin workshop for our team members. The main focus was being educated on the use of the “nioscope” as we are very PROUD to say we now have our very own in-house Nioscope camera!! This allows our selected team members to take in depth pictures of our clients scalps and now not only make personalized prescribed regimes to address their specific needs, but also we are able to keep our clients pictures on their electronic files, so we can re-scope, from time to time an d monitor their progress and make any necessary adjustments to their regime.

Our Fall education calendar will include a social media- customer service class – very own Martin White from TO, founder of MANEreviews and Salonlink Inc. Along with fall colour trends class and an advanced cutting work whop with Sherman Wong.
Summer has been flying by. Tappa enjoyed participating in Carlingwood's Summer Sale for three weekends in July. Wow, we had some great door crasher sales items. Our guests LOVED what we had to offer!!
We are very excited to not only be carrying the Clayton Shagal Medical Skin Line, but for the first time ever we have Clayton Shagal Travel kits. It comes with all your essentials in a beautiful carrying bag. Great for going to the gym, travelling, or leaving one at the cottage!!
We also are so excited with our new “Lip and Cheek” Balm from Eleven Australia. It gives a beautiful glow/highlight to enhance bone structure, while making lips looks very “kissable”
Check out some of these pics of our guests and team members wearing and LOVING it!!
What's coming up ????????
As many of our guests, and those who follow our articles know, Tappa LOVES to give back to the COMMUNITY. Our focus from August to October will be Children at Risk Autism. Please watch for our many fundraisers and events we will be holding for that.
Currently we are raffling off an eyelash lift and tint. Come into the salon to get your ballots!!!
Click here for all our info on the Fall Nioxin Event – called the “Mane Event”. Make sure to follow our social media pages and website to learn more about any emerging details
Instagram: @Tappahairsalon
Website: https://www.tappa.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TappaHairSalon/
Don’t forget the biggest compliment we can receive is a positive review or a Referral. We have an amazing Referral program, send us a friend, colleague or family member that has never been to Tappa as yet and you both receive 20% off your visit!! Want more information about our referral program – CLICK HERE
If you have a minute and are able to give us your feedback we would greatly appreciate it.
From time to time we randomly select guests who have given us reviews
and send small “thank you” gifts out – to give us a Review
click here
Review your favourite team member, products as well
And while you're at it - A Facebook review is nice too
Well that’s a wrap
for our 13th edition of
To View All That is On Tap